Invitation to the thirsty

Jun 13, 2004

Isaiah 55:1-13


  Invitation to the thirsty

Isaiah 55:1-13

Key Verse 55:1

This passage offers God's solution to the problems of an aching soul. 

1. In verses 2-3 the word ‘soul’ is repeated twice.  What does the word ‘soul’ teach about: 1) how God created man; and 2) what man needs for a happy life? (Genesis 2:7; Psalm 42:1)

** God created man to be not only flesh being, but also a soul/spirit being. Gen 2:7 Soul = nephesh 

Man consists of material and immaterial parts. The former came from below (earth - minerals), the latter from God himself.

** Man needs not only what is physical like food but also God himself. 

2. In verse 1 alone the word ‘come’ is repeated four times.  What does this repetition tell us about: 1) the One who sends an invitation to the thirsty; and 2) the one who is being invited?

** He is eager to give Himself to his creation.

** He is indifferent to his offer, for he is distracted by attractive distractions. 

3. Based on the context of this passage, we know that the food (like “bread” and “richest of fare”) and drink (like “waters,” “wine,” and “milk”) mentioned are not literal.  What do they actually refer to? (John 6:33-35, 53-58, 63)

** The author used them metaphorically. Metaphor = allegory, symbol, figure, or image, meaning something else.

** Ultimately they all refer to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Jesus promised to give to those who believe in Him.

4. In verse 1, even those who have no money are asked to come, buy [without cost], eat and drink.  What does this suggest about: 1) the food and drink being offered; and 2) “you who have no money”?

** It is God's (priceless) gift. 

** We do not deserve to have this. In fact they are so valuable that no matter how much money one has, because the commodities are still worth more than all the money one might come up with, one is still is incapable of paying full price for it. 

5. The rhetorical question in verse 2 indicates that it is very foolish to spend money on what is not bread and labor on what does not satisfy.  Why do people keep doing this? (1 Corinthians 6:9) 

** It is because they were deceived by the devil's deceptions. 

6. What do the following expressions reveal about the way to meet the soul’s needs?

1) Listen to me; give ear, come to me;

2) Come, buy and eat;

3) I will make an everlasting covenant with you;

4) Seek the Lord while He may be found; 

5) Call on Him while He is near;

6) Let the wicked forsake his way and evil man his thoughts; and

7) Let him turn to the Lord.

** These seven categories identify the steps that we need to take in coming to 

fellowship with the Lord. 

First study God's word to figure out God's will; second actually digest God's word; third, commit your self to the Lord; fourth, keep seeking the Lord; fifth, cry out to him in deep prayer; sixth, thoroughly repent of the lifestyle which is inconsistent with God's character; and seven actually turn to the Lord. 

7. What promises does God give to those who follow these exhortations? (3-13)

** 1) v. 3 - your soul may live

2) v. 3 - you will find a true love, which is Jesus Christ

3) vs. 4-5 - you will become a source of blessing to all nations (as you will see in vs. 7-12)

4) v. 7 - you will find God's mercy (of having your sins forgiven)

5) vs. 8-11 - you will experience God's lofty ideals becoming manifested in your life.

6) v. 12 - 13a - you will see the condition of your external person being blessed as the condition of your internal person is blessed. 

7) v. 13b - you will no longer live as an instrument of wickedness (and therefore an object of God's wrath and judgment heaped upon you) but as an instrument of righteousness, revealing God's glory fully to all. 



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