Our Heavenly Father

Dec 31, 2006

Matthew 6:9-13

Our Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father

Matthew 6:9-13

Key Verse 6:9

Matthew 6:8 says that our Father knows what we need even before we ask Him for anything. Yet, why does Jesus ask us to “pray”? Who does “you” in verse 9 refer to? 

In verse 9, Jesus calls God, “our Father in heaven.” What does the title “Father” indicate about God? 

What does “hallowed” mean? What is the significance of God’s name? Why is this prayer topic important? [In other words, what can one get out of this prayer topic?] 

Read verse 9 and 10. The phrase, “on earth,” stands in contrast with “in heaven.” How are they different? [Consider what is happening here on earth.] How does God’s kingdom “come” on earth? (Mark 1:15; Matthew 28:18-20) In what respect is it sometimes difficult to see God’s will rather than my [or our] own will being done? Yet why should we pray for God’s will to be done? 

Verse 11 says, “Give us today our daily bread.” Why “us” rather than just “me”? Why “today” rather than “today, tomorrow, and forever”? Why “our bread” rather than just “my bread”? Why “daily” bread rather than “weekly,” “monthly” bread, or bread for “all the days after my retirement”? 

Verse 12 talks about “us,” “our,” and “we.” What does this indicate about the nature of man’s “debts” (or sins)? This prayer consists of two parts: “Forgive us our debts” and “as we also have forgiven our debtors.” How are the two parts related to one another? Why is this prayer topic important?

Why would God lead anyone into temptation? [Romans 1:18-32] 




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