A Workman

Feb 25, 2007

2 Timothy 2:14-26

A Workman��

 A Workman

2 Timothy 2:14-26

Key Verse 2:15

In this passage Paul shows do's and don'ts of a servant of God's word. 

1. Read verse 14a. What do "these things" refer to? Why is it necessary for a servant of God to "keep reminding [his flock] of these things?" How would people benefit from someone constantly reminding them of these things? 

** "These things" refer to what Paul shared with Timothy thus far. 

** This is necessary because people keep forgetting these things. Not only that, they are continually being bombarded by the things of this world, so instead of thinking about godly matters like the gospel of Jesus, they keep thinking about what is mundane, and thereby develop worldly desires, going far away from God, being deeply sucked into and remaining sunk in all types of idolatry.

Consider how many worldly magazines are out there and how many godly magazines are being published and read. 

Worldly people esp. those who do businesses selling products know how forgetful men are, so they keep advertising, showing people their products so that people would always think about their products and then buy them. 

** They will find the direction of life, that is, the life that dies with Jesus, and rises with Him, offering oneself to God suffering for the sake of the gospel, and thereby helping the elect to receive salvation with eternal glory. 


2. Read verse 14b. What does "quarreling" mean? What does it mean to warn [them] "before God"? What does the phrase "before God" indicate about the kind of attitude one must have towards God's words?

** Quarrel has the meaning of two or more persons getting involved in arguments resulting in each person getting emotional, being upset with each other, reaching the point of even hating one another. 

** Before God means "being conscious of God" who hears everything and sees everything that is going on with everyone. 

** God's words are the same as God himself. So one must treat God's word just as one finds himself in the very presence of God. So when one is in doubt of any words, or lacks understanding in regard to God's words, instead of quarreling with others such as God's servant, one must keep the words of God in his mind, asking God to reveal the meanings. Then over time, the Lord God reveals the meanings.  

3. Read verse 15. How would presenting oneself to God result in him being approved by God? (Isaiah 50:4; Joshua 1:8; Romans 12:1-2)

** One way is for one to wake up early in the morning, come to the word of God, and prayerfully listen to the Lord, with a prayerful and learning mind. 

Another way is to keep meditating on God's word, striving to obey the word without deviating. Then as one obeys first, one will better understand the mysterious blessings that fall on those who obey God's word. 

Another way is for one to strive to offer himself as a living sacrifice to God. Then, God reveals himself fully. God sanctifies that person, so he would be a good servant of God's word, knowing how to handle God's word correctly.  

4. Read verses 16-21. What does "godless" mean? What does "godly" mean? What are some examples of "godless chatter"?  What are the consequences of one indulging in godless chatter? What will be the positive outcome of the one who avoids a godless way of life and strives to be a godly man?  

** "Godless" means virtually any conversation which is "without", "having nothing to do with", or "totally unrelated to" God and His will. 

** "Godly" means "of God" or "related to God". It has the meaning of "noble" (v. 20) or "holy" (v. 21). 

** The result is becoming increasingly ungodly, wicked, ignoble, and mundane, rendering himself to be increasingly cheaper (or less valuable, turning from a man like gold into a man like an earthenware), with gangrene spreading throughout his body, never being able to get out of the devil's trap, and thereby conclusively losing the possibility to get saved. 

** He will be a godly man, becoming righteous, increasingly becoming valuable, noble, and holy, rising from a lowly level of flesh to the level of God's glory, and thereby becoming worthy of being used by God for noble purposes as a noble instrument of God. 

5. Read verse 22a. What does the word "flee" indicate about the effect that evil desires have on youth?

** Its effect is like a magnet bar drawing metal.  The closer the metal comes to the magnetic bar, the stronger the bar pulls the metal. The farther away the metal places itself the weaker the magnetic power generated by the magnetic bar becomes. 

Here "youth" refer to those who are spiritually young. Physically old people are also subject to all kinds of sinful desires, even more so than those who are physically young, unless they build up the capability to control evil urges in them.  

6. Read verse 22b. The word "pursue" stands in contrast with "flee". Why should a young man (or woman) "pursue" righteousness, love and peace, while he or she needs to "flee" the evil desires of youth? How can one better pursue these qualities?

** This is because God designed the universe and all the forces and values that are true of the universe (of man and woman) in such a way that it is harder for man to pursue what is good (like righteousness, love, and peace) than to seek what is evil. The reason for what is good having been made harder to attain is for God to create the possibility for him to reward those who seek what is good. This is obvious because when anything is made too easy to attain, everyone will be able to go for it, and yet no one should deserve to receive the credit for his efforts. 

We express this concept by saying, "no pain no gain" or "no cross, no crown." 

** Work together with fellow Christians like common life brothers and sisters. This is like a man finding a jogging partner or sparring partner in exercising or disciplining oneself as an athlete. 

7. Read verses 23-26. Verse 23 differentiates arguments from quarrels. Are all arguments bad? What are the examples of "foolish and stupid" arguments? 

** No. 

** Those that lead the arguers to quarrels (which so easily lead to nasty fist-fights.)

The end



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