His Indescribable Gift

Jun 24, 2007

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

His indescribable gift�

His Indescribable Gift

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Key Verse 9:6

In the previous lesson Paul talked mainly about the practice of giving. But here he talks more about the principle of giving, particularly its blessedness. 

Memorize v. 6, and compare this passage with Paul’s exhortations in 

2 Corinthians 8:1-9:5. What does this passage show us about the relationship between sowing and reaping?

** 1) No sowing; no reaping; 2) Reaping as you sow, so that the reaping is dependant upon sowing. 

Read verse 7. What should each man give? What does “God loves a cheerful giver” mean? (cf. 8-9) 

** V. 7

** It talks about the way God designed things to be, that is, giving each person the free will to make his own decision as we see it in Genesis 1-2 where God made man in his image, and then asked man not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, whereby God created the possibility for man to exercise his own freedom to make a choice. 

Read verses 8-9 and think about God’s abilities. How able is he? Why does Paul say “God is able” at this time? (10-11)

** Vs. 8-9; consider the following expressions: all grace; all things; all times; all you need; every good work. Consider also how they are related to one another. One import of the word “all” is that in order for man to “abound” (or be in a state of “abundance”), one must be so in all dimensions (physically and spiritually), and God is able to make you rich in all aspects of your existence. Notice also the word “forever”, for in order for one to be truly rich and if that richness is going to mean anything for you especially in terms of your life security, your richness must be able to endure forever. [In Hebrew righteousness is synonym for true richness, wealth.]

Read verses 10-14 and describe: a) What God can do; b) what you can do (or be); and c) the fruit of your generosity.

** God can provide for you both capital (seed, store of seed) and dividend (bread for food, harvest). 

** You can be generous (or stingy, even after having been made rich by God). 

** Thanks giving to God

Read verse 15. Paul described the blessedness of the “gift” (of giving). Yet why does he call it as “indescribable”? Why is it called a “gift”? What does “Thanks be to God” indicate about this gift? 

** Perhaps two things can be said: a) There is a lot more to it, but Paul is unable to describe, for it is beyond his ability or any human’s range of comprehension; b) the way God designed to let this principle operate is largely hidden to normal minds. Thus far even scientists were unable to create “seed” for food. 

** Giving itself stemmed from God, for all we have comes from God, so our ability to give is God’s gift to us. 

** We need to give thanks to God for giving us the possibility to give. It also means that we should not be proud for being able to give for after all, all the credit belongs to God, not to us. 

The end



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