I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Jun 8, 2008

Matthew 4:12-25

“I Will Make You Fishers of Men”

“I Will Make You Fishers of Men”

Sunday, June 8th

Matthew 4:12-24

Key verse 4:19

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

Read verses 12-17.  How did Jesus fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah?  What do the phrases, “… the people living in darkness …” and “… those living in the land of the shadow of death …” say about the people of Galilee, and of this world?  What do the phrases “… have seen a great light …” and “… on them a light has dawned …” tell us about what Jesus came to do?  What was Jesus’ message?

Jesus fulfilled what was said through the prophet Isaiah by living in the land of Galilee.  Jesus took his place in God’s history.  He was obedient to God will and purpose for his life.  

In a broad sense “… the people living in darkness …” and “… those living under the shadow of death …” refers to all the people of this world, suffering under the power of sin and death.  The bottom line is they have no future.  

The phrases “… have seen and great light …” and “… on them a light has dawned …” tell us that Jesus came to set them free from the power of sin and death.  Jesus came to give them a new life—one with a future in God.  This new life that Jesus came to give them has true direction and purpose.  

Jesus’ message was the same as that of John the Baptist: “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” 

Read verses 18-20.  What were Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus saw them?  What did Jesus say to them?  What does it mean to follow Jesus and live as a fisher of men?  How did Peter and Andrew respond to Jesus’ calling?

Peter and Andrew were casting a net into the lake when Jesus saw them.  Fishing was their livelihood—how they survived.  

Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  

To follow Jesus means to adopt his lifestyle, value system and purpose of life.  It also means to make a pilgrimage to the kingdom of God.  Living as a fisher of men means to live to fish people into the kingdom of God.  We do not need to worry about how to be a fisher of men, because Jesus promised that as we follow him, he will “make” us fishers of men.    

Peter and Andrew left their nets at once and followed Jesus.  They left their old life behind and embarked on a new life.  They did not hesitate, and they had no second thoughts.  

Read verses 21-22.  Where were James and John when Jesus called them?  How did they respond to Jesus’ calling?  What can we learn from Peter, Andrew, James and John in today’s passage?  

James and John were in the boat with their father.  There father was there source of security—their source of protection and provision.  

They left their father in the boat and followed Jesus.  They also didn’t hesitate.   

Peter, Andrew, James and John all showed their faith in God.  They trusted Jesus in order to leave their old life and begin a new life.  The believed that when they followed Jesus, he would do what he said and make them fishers of men.  

Read verses 23-25.  Describe Jesus’ ministry.  How did people respond to what he was doing?  How are the crowds who followed Jesus different than his disciples?  

Jesus’ main ministry was teaching the Bible and preaching the good news of the kingdom of God.  He taught the Bible locally, and preached the gospel globally.  As people were forgiven of their sins, they were also healed of every sickness and disease.

The people brought Jesus all their sick and suffering, and he healed them.

The crowds were yet to receive God’s calling.  



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