He Will Save Them from Their Sins

Aug 10, 2008

Matthew 1:1-25



Matthew 1:1-25

Key Verse 1:21 

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." 

1. Skim through verses 1-17. What does "Christ" mean? Who were Abraham and David? What promises did God give them concerning the Christ? (cf. Gen 12:2-3; Gal 3:8; 1 Chr 17:11-14; Acts 13:22-23) What can we learn about who Jesus is? 

2. Read verses 18-19. Who were Mary and Joseph? (16,18) What happened with Mary? Who was not involved in Jesus' conception? How might this have been difficult for them to accept? How did Joseph respond? What can we learn about Jesus?  

3. Read verses 20-21. What message did the Lord give Joseph? For what purpose was Jesus sent into the world? Why do we need to be saved from our sins? How does Jesus save us from our sins?  

4. Read verses 22-23. What prophecy does Jesus birth fulfill? (Isa 7:14) What does the name "Immanuel, God with us" teach us about the purpose of salvation? How did Immanuel Jesus make a difference in the life of Matthew, the author of this gospel? (cf. Mat 9:9-13) 

5. Read verses 24-25. How did Joseph respond to the Lord's message? What can we learn from Joseph? How can we receive Jesus today?



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