He Will Save Them from Their Sins

Aug 10, 2008

Matthew 1:1-25



Matthew 1:1-25

Key Verse 1:21 

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." 

**This passage is the beginning of Matthew's gospel. This first chapter teaches who Jesus is and what he came to do. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's salvation history. He is the promised Christ, the son of Abraham and son of David. He is also the Son of God. In fact, he is Immanuel, God with us. He came to save us from our sins and restore us to God. He is our Shepherd King and Savior.  

**Matthew's gospel was written by Matthew the tax collector (Mat 9:9), who was one of Jesus' Twelve disciples. He had a first hand account of Jesus' earthly ministry, death and resurrection. He experienced Jesus as Immanuel personally when Jesus came to his tax collector's booth and called Matthew to follow him. Matthew had lost his identity as part of God's chosen people. But through knowing Jesus' identity clearly, he regained his own sense of identity as a member of God's kingdom and chosen people. 

1. Skim through verses 1-17. What does "Christ" mean? Who were Abraham and David? What promises did God give them concerning the Christ? (cf. Gen 12:2-3; Gal 3:8; 1 Chr 17:11-14; Acts 13:22-23) What can we learn about who Jesus is?

**"Christ" means Messiah, or, literally, Anointed One. It refers to the promised Savior of the world and the Shepherd King (Gen 3:15, Mark 15:32, Luke 23:2). The anointing refers to God's choosing as well as the power of the Holy Spirit on his servant. 

**God called Abraham when he was 75 years old to live by faith in him. Through God's power he became the father of the Jewish people. David was king of Israel who was a "man after God's own heart." He led the united kingdom and became the model of a shepherd and king for God's people.

**See Gen 12:2-3, Gen 22:18 for Abraham. For David see 1 Chronicles 17:11-14. Jesus fulfills both promises made.

**Jesus is the fulfillment of God's salvation work. Jesus is the Shepherd King to lead all nations to the kingdom of God and bless us through his salvation. He is the Savior and King for all people, for David represents the kingdom and Abraham represents all who believe, not just the Jewish people. He came to completely remove all other competing kingdoms and curses and the problem of sin. 

2. Read verses 18-19. Who were Mary and Joseph? (16,18) What happened with Mary? Who was not involved in Jesus' conception? How might this have been difficult for them to accept? How did Joseph respond? What can we learn about Jesus?

**They were descendants of David and Abraham. They were young and were pledged to be married. 

**She was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.


**It ruined their marriage plans. They were ready to begin their new family. But a most troubling situation came up. What could Mary do in this situation, although she was serving God? Joseph also could not help but feel the sting of injustice and betrayal from his young bride. 

**Joseph was a righteous man. He had in mind to divorce Mary quietly and not expose her to public disgrace. He sought to protect Mary, although it seemed like he had been wronged. He was also afraid (20). 

**1) Jesus is not only the son of Abraham and David, but he is from God. His divine origin shows his uniqueness and ability to save us because he is fundamentally different from all human beings. 2) Also, he didn't just come as a king from the clouds. He came as a small baby born to this family. He understands all about our lives and weaknesses. He fully understands us. He chose to be with us. 

3. Read verses 20-21. What message did the Lord give Joseph? For what purpose was Jesus sent into the world? Why do we need to be saved from our sins? How does Jesus save us from our sins?

**The Lord told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife. He also told Joseph about the baby conceived in Mary's womb, who was to be named Jesus, because he would save his people from his sins. The Lord commissioned Joseph to take care of Mary and the baby Jesus. 

**Jesus came to save his people from their sins. "His people" refers to those who turn to God by faith. 

**Sin is our number one problem. We are separated from God and are deserving only of God's judgment. Without solving the problem of sin, we have zero chance of being restored to God. 

**Jesus died on the cross for our sins, paying its price in full. We can be saved by faith in his gracious death on our behalf. 

4. Read verses 22-23. What prophecy does Jesus birth fulfill? (Isa 7:14) What does the name "Immanuel, God with us" teach us about the purpose of salvation? How did Immanuel Jesus make a difference in the life of Matthew, the author of this gospel? (cf. Mat 9:9-13)

**He fulfills the prophecy given by the Prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 7:14. 

**Complete restoration to God in perfect fellowship. 

**We can't come to God on our own. This was the case with Matthew as well. Matthew was a tax collector. He was trapped in his life of pursuing wealth and deception. He was too weak to do anything on his own. But Jesus personally came to his booth and called Matthew to follow him.  No one had wanted to be with Matthew, but Jesus came to him and invited him to be his disciple. Jesus set him free and gave him a new life. Through Jesus' grace of being with Matthew, Matthew could know God and restore a right relationship with him.  Matthew had lost his identity as part of God's chosen people. But through knowing Jesus' identity clearly, he regained his own sense of identity as a member of God's kingdom and chosen people. We thank God for his love and action to save us through Jesus Christ.

5. Read verses 24-25. How did Joseph respond to the Lord's message? What can we learn from Joseph? How can we receive Jesus today?

**He didn't hesitate. He obeyed, took Mary home as his wife, and named the baby Jesus. He honored God and had no union with Mary until after she gave birth to Jesus. 

**We can learn of his humble obedience to the Lord as the Lord's servant. Joseph put the Lord's work above his own family and was brave by faith, not worrying about what his family or neighbors would think or say about him, or keep to his own ambitions for building up his own family in his way. Through his daily living as a righteous man, he received this opportunity of opportunities from the Lord. As we live by faith daily, we can be ready for opportunities from the Lord to serve him greatly. 

**We can receive Jesus today through the same humble and willing heart, by faith. When we are willing to give to the Lord, as Joseph did, we can learn about him deeply. 



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