Treasures in Heaven

Nov 2, 2008

Matthew 6:19-34



Matthew 6:19-34

Key Verse 6:33

Read verses 19-21. What do "treasures here on earth" refer to specifically? Why should we resist the urge to store up for ourselves these types of treasures? What do "treasures in heaven" refer to specifically? Why must we store up treasures in heaven?

Read verses 22-23. What does it mean that the eye is the lamp of the body? What does it mean to have good eyes? What does it mean to have bad eyes? What happens if we do not see things as God sees them?

Read verse 24. How does this verse relate to the previous verses? Who are the two masters that we must choose between? Why can't we serve two masters? 

Read verses 25-27. How is "worry" manifested in life? Why should we not worry about the things that are considered critical to life (i.e., food, drink, clothing)? How useful is worrying at changing our life? What is Jesus' point here?

Read verses 28-34. What can we learn about God who "clothes the grass of the field"? What is the root cause of worry? (30b) What are the basic things that pagans and Christians need? How do pagan's go about getting these things? How are Christians supposed to go about getting these things? What does it mean to seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness?



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