Five Loaves and Two Fish

Nov 16, 2008

John 6:1-13

Five Loaves and Two Fish���

Five Loaves and Two Fish

(Thanksgiving Bible Study I)

John 6:1-13

Key verse 5:11 

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

Read verses 1-7.  Why did a crowd of people follow Jesus?  What did Jesus ask Philip when he saw them coming?  Why did Jesus ask Philip this question?  What was Philip’s answer?  What does his answer show about him?  Did Philip pass Jesus’ test?        

The crowds followed Jesus because they saw the miraculous signs he performed, and wanted to be served by Jesus.  

Jesus said to Philip, “Where should we buy bread for these people to eat?” (5)  

Jesus wanted to test Philip.  He already knew what he could do, but he wanted to see if Philip believed in what he could do.

Philip answered Jesus, “Eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.” (7)  

Philip was very smart.  He easily added up the cost of feeding the crowd.  But his smarts couldn’t help him to believe in Jesus.  He believed only in what he could see, in money, and in what he had and didn’t have.  

Philip failed Jesus’ test, because he failed to believe in what Jesus could do.  

Read verses 8-9.  What did Andrew say?  How was Andrew different from Philip?  What can we learn from Andrew?            

Andrew said, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (8)

Philip saw only what he didn’t have, but Andrew looked for what he had.  Even though he had nothing, he found a boy with five loaves and two fish. 

Like Andrew, we need to find what we have, no matter how small and bring it to Jesus.  Even a child has something that Jesus can use.    

Read verses 10-11.  Why did Jesus have the people sit down?  What did Jesus do after taking the bread; before giving it to the people (Mark 6:41)?  Why did Jesus give thanks?  Were the five small loaves and two small fish enough to feed the crowd?  


Jesus had the people sit down to get ready to eat. 

After taking the food, Jesus gave thanks to God.

Jesus gave thanks because he was thankful for what God had given.  The five loaves were too small.  The two fish were too small.  The boy was also too small.  But what comes from God is never too small.  Jesus was thankful for what God gave.

The five loaves and two fish were enough for everyone to have as much as they wanted.  It was a miracle!        


4.  Read verses 12-13.  What did the disciples do with the leftovers?  How much leftover bread was gathered?  Why is it important to be thankful even for a small thing?  What five small loaves and two small fish do you have to give thanks for?          

The disciples gathered the leftover pieces of bread.  Jesus doesn’t waste anything. 

Twelve baskets of leftover bread were gathered; one basketful for each of the twelve disciples.  

Even a small thing can be used in a big way by God.      



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