Whoever Acknowledges Me before Men

Jan 25, 2009

Matthew 10:24-32

He Who Receives You Receives Me

He Who Receives You Receives Me

Matthew 10:34-42

Key verses 10:40

“He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me.”

Read verses 34-37.  Why might people think that Jesus came only to bring peace?  What did Jesus say about why he came?  Why did Jesus say that he came to bring a sword?  Why is it necessary to love Jesus even more than family members? 

Read verses 38-39.  How can we show that we love Jesus most?  What does it mean to take up our cross?  How can we lose our life for Jesus?  Why did Jesus say that when we lose our life for him we will find it?

3.  Read verses 40-42.  What can we learn about the way for us to receive Jesus?  What does Jesus promise to those who receive him?  What does verses 42 say about the way for us to receive Jesus’ disciples?           

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