He Will Proclaim Justice to the Nat

Mar 8, 2009

Matthew 12:15-21

He Will Proclaim Justice to the Nations

He Will Proclaim Justice to the Nations

Matthew 12:15-21

Key verse 12:18

“Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.”

Read verses 15-16.  Why is it that Jesus withdrew to another place (14)?  What did Jesus do for those who followed him?

Read verses 17-18.  What does it mean the Jesus is God’s chosen servant?  What can we learn about his relationship with God the Father?  How was Jesus able to heal the sick?  How did Jesus proclaim justice to the nations?  

Read verses 19-21.  How would Jesus lead justice to victory?  How is the way Jesus leads justice to victory different from mankind’s way of carrying out justice?  Why do the nations put their hope in Jesus?  What can we learn about Jesus?   



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