The Kingdom of God has Come Upon Yo

Mar 15, 2009

Matthew 12:22-37

The Kingdom of God Has Come Upon You���

The Kingdom of God Has Come Upon You

Matthew 12:22-37

Key verse 12:28

“But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”

Read verses 22-24.  Who was brought to Jesus?  What did the demon do to this man?  What did Jesus do for him?  What did all the people say?  What did the Pharisees say?  

Read verses 25-32.  How did Jesus answer the Pharisees?  Why doesn’t it make sense for Satan to drive out demons?  How did Jesus drive out demons?  What does it mean for people that Jesus drives out demons by the Spirit of God?  What can we learn about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan?  What will happen to those who do not gather to Jesus?  What will happen to those who speak against the work of the Holy Spirit?  

Read verses 33-37.  What does it mean that a tree is recognized by its fruit?  How is this principle the same for people?  Where do people’s evil words, like those of the Pharisees, come from?  How can we store up good in our hearts, so that our words will be good?  Why is what we say so important? 




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