The Sign of Jonah

Mar 22, 2009

Matthew 12:38-45

The Sign of Jonah��

The Sign of Jonah

Matthew 12:38-45

Key verse 12:40

He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

Read verses 38-41.  What did some Pharisees and teachers of the law ask Jesus?  What sign did Jesus promise to them?  What does the sign of Jonah represent?  What shows that they were a wicked and adulterous generation?  Why did Jesus say that the men of Ninevah would condemn this generation at the judgment?  

Read verses 42.  Who was the Queen of the South?  What did she do?  Why will she rise up at the judgment to condemn this generation?  How is Jesus greater than King Solomon?

3.  Read verses 43-45.  How do these verses further describe the condition of a wicked and adulterous generation?  Why do wicked people go from bad to worse?  What is the solution Jesus came to offer to this generation?  How can we take hold of it?                     



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