The Parable of the Net

May 24, 2009

Matthew 13:47-52

The Parable of the Net�

The Parable of the Net

Matthew 13:47-52

Key verse: 13:47

“Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.”

Read verses 47-48.  What did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven to this time?  What does the lake represent?  Who do the fish represent?  What kinds of fish were caught in the net?  When did the fishermen pull the net up on the shore?  What did they do with the good fish?  What about the bad fish?  

Read verses 49-50.  What event was Jesus talking about in this parable?  What will happen to the righteous at the end of the age?  What will happen to the wicked?  Why does God wait until the end of the age to separate the righteous and the wicked?  What can we learn about how to live our lives today?   

3.  Read verses 51-52.  Why did Jesus ask his disciples if they understood these things (13:23)?  In what way are Jesus’ words like new treasure?  What can be considered old treasure?  Why do we need both?            



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