Don't Be Afraid

Jun 7, 2009

Matthew 14:22-36

N Matthew 14:22-36 Take Courage! It is I. Don't Be Afraid��

Don't Be Afraid

Matthew 14:22-36
Key verse 14:27

But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Read verse 22-23. After feeding the crowd (13-21), Jesus immediately sent his disciples ahead of him in the boat, dismissed the crowd, and went up on a mountainside to pray. Why do you think he did these things?

Jesus' original intention was to pray in a solitary place, probably to get perspective and direction from the Father about what to do after the death of John the Baptist. Now, after taking care of the crowd all day, Jesus began his personal prayer time. 

Perhaps Jesus was also concerned about this disciples. By making them get into the boat, Jesus helped them to also get away from the crowds.

Read verses 24. While Jesus prayed, the disciples struggled against the wind. How might they have felt at this time?

Naturally, they may have felt anxious and tired. They probably didn't expect this storm to come up, and they were using up their energy trying to make progress against the winds. 

Read verses 25-27. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, they were terrified, thinking that he was a ghost. How did Jesus help them to not be afraid?

Jesus helped them by saying, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Read verse 28. What does Peter's request show about him?

Peter is a practical person. For him, faith should make a difference in his practical life. He wanted to experience the power of God in his life personally.

Read verses 29-31. Why did Peter begin to sink after making a good start?

He took his eyes off of Jesus and started looking at the waves. Doubt brought him down.

Read verses 32-33. What did Jesus' disciples learn through these events?

They realized more clearly than before that Jesus is the Son of God. Peter realized, also, that faith enables God's servants to experience God's power, but doubt leads to fear and defeat.

Read verses 34-36. Again, crowds gathered around Jesus, bringing all their sick to be healed. What does Jesus' healing power reveal about him. 

People were healed just by touching the edge of his cloak. This shows that he is the Son of God--the one who can bring full and complete healing to peoples' lives. This is why everyone came to Jesus--in him they found the hope of becoming whole and living life to the full.



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