Come Together in My Name

Aug 9, 2009

Matthew 18:15-35



Matthew 18:15-35

Key Verse 18:20

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

Read verses 15-17. What are we to do if someone sins against us? Why do you think there are so many steps involved for someone who "refuses to listen"?

Read verses 18-20. What does Jesus teach about the importance of unity in prayer with other believers? Why do you think Jesus emphasizes coming together in his name rather than pursuing serving God on our own?

Read verses 21-22. What question did Peter have? Why do you think he might have asked this question? Why is it so difficult to forgive? (cf. Gen 4:24) What does Jesus mean by, “not seven times, but seventy-seven times”? Have you ever forgiven someone in the Lord even seven times?

Read verses 23-27. What did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven to? Why did the king forgive the debt of his servant? How does this parable illustrate God’s mercy to all sinners? In what way is sin like a debt?

Read verses 28-35. What did the servant do when he found a fellow servant that owed him? What did the king do in response? Why? What does this parable teach about how we can forgive others as much Jesus tells us to? (Mat 6:12) What does it mean to forgive “from your heart” (35)? 



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