At the Beginning

Aug 16, 2009

Matthew 19:1-15



Matthew 19:1-15

Key Verse 19:6

“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

Read verses 1-2. Where did Jesus go after he had finished teaching his disciples? What was the crowd’s response? 

Read verses 3-6. What question did some Pharisees ask him? How did Jesus answer them? What does Genesis teach about marriage and divorce? How did Jesus interpret the teaching of Genesis? 

Read verses 7-9. What seeming contradiction in the Bible did they bring up? How did Jesus answer them? Why did Moses allow divorce? Why did he command that a certificate of divorce be given? 

What was the loop-hole God left in the absolute law of marriage? Why is marital unfaithfulness such a terrible sin? 

Read verses 10-12. What was the disciples’ response? What does this show about them? What does Jesus say about marriage? Why is it not a requirement for everyone? 

Read verses 13-15. Why did parents bring their children to Jesus? How did the disciples react? Why? What did Jesus teach and do? What does this show about Jesus? Why does the kingdom belong to child-like people? (Compare 18:1-6) How does this connect with Jesus’ view of marriage?



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