The Greatest in The Kingdom...

Aug 16, 2009

Matthew 18:1-9

The Greatest in The Kingdom of Heaven��

The Greatest in The Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 18:1-9

Key verse 18:4

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Read verse 1.  What question did the disciples ask Jesus?  Why might have they asked this question?

Read verses 2-5.  Who did Jesus call to stand among them?  What did Jesus say to his disciples?  How could the disciples become greatest in the kingdom of heaven?  How does Jesus’ way of greatness differ from the worlds?  How can we humble ourselves to be like little children?

Read verses 6-9.  What warning did Jesus give?  What did Jesus bring up the sin problem right after saying “whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”  What can keep from committing sin?                 



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