Jesus Teaches the Way to Life

Aug 30, 2009

Matthew 19:16-20:16



Matthew 19:16-20:16

Key Verses 19:25-26

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, ‘Who then can be saved?’  Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’

Read verses16-17. What did the man who came to Jesus not lack? (22) What did he lack? What did he want from Jesus? What did Jesus teach him about God, about good and about eternal life? 

Read verses 18-19. In response to the man’s question, which commandments did Jesus mention? Which ones did He leave out? Why? What did Jesus add? Why? 

Read verses 20-22. What did this young man think about himself? Had he really kept the commandments? What was his question? What was Jesus’ answer? Why did the man go away sadly? What did he still lack? 

Read verses 23-26. What truth did Jesus teach His disciples? How hard is it to enter the kingdom of heaven? What was the disciple’s astonished response and their question? How can anyone be saved? 

Read verses 27-30. What was Peter thinking when he compared himself with this rich young man? What promise did Jesus give him? What is His promise to everyone? What does verse 30 mean? (To the disciples and to us.)

Read verses 1-2. What is the theme of this a parable? What did the landowner do early in the morning? What did he agree to pay his workers? Read verses 3-8. At what other times did he employ workers? What was his agreement with the other groups? 

Read verses 8-12 When and how did he pay them all? Why were the ones hired first dissatisfied? Read verses 13-16. How did the owner answer their complaint? What is his right as the owner? Compare what Jesus said in 19:30 with 20:16.  What was Jesus teaching about the Kingdom in this passage? 



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