How Many Times Shall I Forgive...?

Aug 30, 2009

Matthew 18:21-35


How Many Times Shall I Forgive…?

Matthew 18:21-35

Key verse 18:21

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?”

 Read verses 21-22.  What does Peter’s question show about him?  What can we learn from Jesus’ answer? 

 Read the first part of Jesus’ parable in verses 23-27.  Was the servant able to repay his dept to the king?  What did the king order to be done to pay the debt?  How did the servant respond?  How did the king have mercy on the servant?  How is this story like the kingdom of heaven?

Read the second part of Jesus’ parable in verses 28-31.  How did the servant treat his fellow servant?  How did his fellow servant respond?  What did the servant do to his fellow servant next?  How did the other servants feel about this?        

Read the third part of Jesus’ parable in verses 32-35.  Why did the master call the servant a ‘wicked servant’?  How should have the servant treated his fellow servant?  Why?  How did the king punish the servant?  How is the story like the kingdom of heaven?  



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