Jesus the Capstone

Sep 20, 2009

Matthew 21:23-46



Matthew 21:23-46

Key Verse 21:44

He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.

Read verses 23-27. When Jesus entered the temple courts and was teaching, what question did the religious leaders ask him? What point was Jesus making by asking them, “John’s baptism—where did it come from…”? What did the chief priests and elders reveal about themselves?

Read verses 28-32. Describe the circumstances in Jesus’ parable of the two sons. Who represents who in the parable? What does this tell us about the difference between what we say to God and what we actually do for God? What then was the problem of the religious leaders?

Read verses 33-39. What improvements did the landowner make? Why? What benefit did the “farmers” gain from renting this vineyard? What did the landowner want to see from his investment? What did he get in return for the opportunity he gave the “farmers”? What similar choices do we have?

Read verses 40-42. What question did Jesus ask those listening? How did they respond? What point was Jesus making by quoting Psalm 118 in verse 42? How were Jesus’ words in verse 42 fulfilled in real life?

Read verses 43-46. What does it mean to “fall” on the stone and be “broken” to pieces? What is the contrasting experience? What had the religious leaders chosen? What can we do to make the right choice?



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