Poured Out for Many

Dec 27, 2009

Matthew 26:1-30



Matthew 26:1-30

Key Verse 26:28

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

What Jewish Feast was near? (1) What do you know about the Passover? What do verses 1-5 show us about Jesus? 

What happened while Jesus was in Bethany? (6-7) Compare the disciples’ response to Jesus’. What meaning did Jesus find in her actions? (10-12) How did he commend her? (13)


Read verses 14-16. What do Judas’s actions reveal about him? Why do you think Judas responded the way he did versus the woman’s actions?

How did Jesus prepare for the Passover dinner with his disciples? (17-19) What did Jesus mean by, “my appointed time”? (18) What did Jesus tell his disciples while they were eating? (21-25) Why do you think Jesus brought up this matter in this way?

How does the bread and wine represent Jesus’ body and blood? What does it mean to eat and drink of it? (1 Cor 11:26) What is the covenant? (v.28; Heb 8:6-12) Why did he pour out his blood?

What could the disciples learn from Jesus who gave thanks at this time? What hope what did Jesus give them? (29)



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