My Chosen Instrument

Apr 25, 2010

Acts 9:1-31



Acts 9:1-31

Key Verses 9:15-16

15But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. 16I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."

What was Saul doing after Stephen's death? (1-2) Why do you think Saul was not satisfied after Stephen's death and continued to persecute all the more? 

Describe the Lord’s appearing to Saul in verses 3-4. Consider the Lord’s question to Saul in verse 4. Was the answer to the question for the Lord’s sake or Saul’s sake? What problem did Saul have that the Lord revealed here? What did the Lord reveal about himself?

What was Saul’s response to the Lord’s question? (5) What does Saul’s response show about the cause of his problem? What did the Lord further reveal about himself in answer to Saul’s question? (5b-6) How might this revelation have affected Saul? What does this event teach about the importance of knowing the Lord?

What did the Lord reveal about Saul to Ananias? (15-16) What does it mean to carry the name of Jesus? (cf. Act 4:12) What is the significance of the Lord using the word “instrument” to refer to Saul? Why did the Lord appear to Saul and choose him? (Eph 3:7-8) How did Saul later encourage other believers regarding Jesus’ grace and apostleship? (Rom 1:5)

Read verse 16 again. What does it mean that he would be shown "how much he must suffer for [Jesus'] name"? (16; Acts 5:41) How was this part of the solution to Saul’s problem? How did Saul respond to Jesus’ grace and choosing him? (7-9, 11, 20; 1 Cor 15:9-10) What can we learn from Saul about how to respond to Jesus’ grace?

What sufferings did Saul experience in Damascus and Jerusalem? (20-30) How did the Lord help Saul through Ananias and Barnabas? How was the Holy Spirit working in and through the church through these events? (31) 



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