Jesus Arested

May 16, 2010

Matthew 26:47-56

Jesus Arrested�

Jesus Arrested

Matthew 26:47-56

Key verse 26:56a

But all this has happened so that the words of the prophets would come true."

Read verses 47-50a.  What was the large crowd like?  Who were they sent by?  Who was leading them?  What was the signal Judas used to identify Jesus?  What did Jesus say to Judas?  

Read verses 50b-54.  What happened to Jesus?  How did one of Jesus’ companions respond?  What did Jesus say to him?  Why didn’t Jesus choose to fight back?  What can we learn about him?  

Read verses 55-56.  What did Jesus say to the crowd?  How did Jesus understand what was happening to him?  What did the disciples do?  What made the difference between what Jesus did and what his disciples did (26:41)?



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